Tuesday, 27 April 2010

News agenda; Financial Times & Wave FM

The first thing that grabs my attention is the sources used by the Financial Times. They seem to source alot of their quotes, stories and opinion polls from Reuters. This is what is expected as Reuters is one of the most recognised and established news distrabuters in the World. The world news that they supply in regards to Politics and Finance appeals directly to the target audience.
The target audience seems to be aimed at upper managment types, and people who work in citys possibly running a business themselves. This seems to be the case as alot of the financial sections relate to changes in the stock market which can effect businesses. The newspaper is also very politically angled, both nationally and globally, therfore it may be aimed at auidiences who have a strong interest in political affairs. At times it assumes a certain amount of knowledge from the reader; there is alot of political jargon used that requires some pragmatical understanding of the situation.Furthermore The Fincancial Times use alot of statistics and figures to get their point across for example;
‘‘(a -21 percent negative balance),but private sector-services’ prospects were up plus 11’’.
This also shows that the paper assumes a knowledge of employment figures.
The newspaper is divided up into; National news, World news, Comment and analysis. There is also a seperate Companies and Market section. The paper has aimed the seperate Companies and Market section at the audience soley interested in changes in the market and business takeovers etc. By this seperation they clearly show that they are aiming at the business minded person.
Wave Fm report on largely local based news stories, and tend to link national/global news with local events. Some of their stories are sorced from papers such as the Daily Mail in which they have taken quotes from. A large portion of their news seems to be taken from other Newspapers with very few direct interviews with Wave FM themselves.
The news is aimed at the south coast, with stories coming out of; Bournemouth,Portsmouth,Southampton etc. With this in mind alot of stories revolve around local events such as NHS Portsmouth being too busy. They attract the local audience by linking National news ( Soldiers being killed in Iraq) and A memorial service for a Soldier killed from Fareham.

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